Supporting Nick Ashills run across Australia to raise funds for the NZ Asthma and Respiratory Foundation

$280 donated
Given by 4 generous donors in 4 weeks

The TOA community wants to support one of its inspiring members Nick Ashill his drive to raise funds for the NZ Respiratory Foundation


In April 2024 Nick Ashill will begin an ultramarathon across Australia. The run will begin in Perth

(Cottlesloe Beach) and will finish in Sydney (Bondi Beach), approximately 4000k. The run

should take 70 days to complete, averaging 60km per day

The run across Australia will support the work of the NZ Asthma and Respiratory Foundation

– see

The purpose of the Foundation is to lead

respiratory health knowledge through research, education, and advocacy, with the goal to

reduce respiratory-related hospitalisations, and improve respiratory health outcomes for all.

The Foundation works to achieve this through a combination of activities including

developing clinical best practice, encouraging self-management, improving health literacy,

delivering education, and raising the national profile of respiratory disease in New Zealand.

The Foundation operates with no contract Government funding and is solely reliant on

generous grants, sponsorship, and donations.

Latest donations

Piyumali on 28 Jul 2023
Inspiring story Nick! Thank you for sharing, fighting and carrying on!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Jul 2023
Selena on 23 Jul 2023
Thanks for raising awareness Nick, Selena & Stu
Bridget Chung, Jeremy Helson and Pretty Doyle
Bridget Chung, Jeremy Helson and Pretty Doyle on 22 Jul 2023
Thanks Bridget, Pretty & Jeremy

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Created by TOAFit Academy
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 17 Jul 2023 and ended on 20 Aug 2023.