I am a year 12 student at John McGlashan College and for the past 9 months I have been training for a 17kilometer Marathon swim on Lake Avi
Every 2 days a young Kiwi is diagnosed with cancer. 96 young people in Otago are coping with it right now and CanTeen Otago is doing everything they can to try and make it a little bit easier.
I am a year 12 student at John McGlashan College and for the past 9 months I have been training for a 17kilometer Marathon swim on Lake Aviemore in an attempt to raise funds for CanTeen and complete my McGlashan Challenge.
Update for 04/12/2011 4 December 2011
After six long hours in the lake I have done my 17km. The weather was fantastic,?surprisingly?Aviemore only chopped up for the last k or 2, pushing me off course to the wrong side of the lake so that I ended my swim climbing into the boat instead of the beach.? I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to my support crew, especially Rebecca Corkin who spent the entire 6 hours in the kayak feeding watering and encouraging me all the way.? Thanks also to Milne Simpson who was my medic for the swim, my father Paul for driving the boat my mother Juliet who filmed the whole swim and Amanda who entertain everyone the whole way.?? Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me by donating to CanTeen, itfs not too late to make a donation for those that havenft done so yet and still want to.