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Taupoultra 74km for Starship Childrens Hospital

  • I'm now an Ultra runner ..

      18 October 2018

    I have to say as the title obviously notes I achieved my goal what was to finish the event.

    74km of amazing trails though central New Zealand complete running (with some walking on hills).


    I was nervous but determined - I'd partially torn one of my hip flexion muscle (Psoas) 3 weeks before so my taper was way longer and lighter than I wanted. Those close to me knew, but I tried to keep it reasonably quiet but I was really worried about long term damage.

    I was also concerned about nutrition during my run and how I would handle the dark place I was sure to find out there.


    I started off faster than I wanted (but who doesn't) and felt the hip from the start. I fell into a reasonably steady stride and made myself power walk up a few hills I knew I could run. (which helped me into a good habit of being able to run as soon as I got close to the top). The road start was a bit tougher on my hip so totally enjoyed hitting the farm. - Then hitting the gravel up-hill road followed up a 7ish km road section (1 of 2 sections I was not looking forward to) - but somehow I managed to get too much speed and make the 1st drop station just over an 1 hour ahead of my scheduled time - which I would pay for later.

    Off road from here on great undulating hard packed trail until climbing the hill west of Kinloch - I stopped to take in the view for perhaps longer than I intended but I wanted to take it all in and enjoy being in the moment. Then downhill undulating switchbacks all the way to Kinloch - at the bottom my hip was screaming at me and my mind found the dark place given I was less than 1k as the crow flies from the next drop box and my amazing support team, but at least 8k of running up and back in Kinloch before getting there.

    This is where I lost and found myself - stop start running all the way through the 8k - on any other day it would have been a lovely trail to race around but today it was the loop of despair - Energy was actually ok but pain was not my friend. When almost back at the turn-off at the end of the loop I found it again - my why and a bit more - I knew my wonderful kids, family and new trail friends were expecting me, had put their life on hold, even for a day or a weekend for me and I knew they had faith in me to achieve which helped me believe in myself and was off running with more spark - I turn the corner in about 500m and there is my amazing pacer and new friend June - she brought energy and a smile to kick me into the last main aid station - being met by Murry who had completed the 1st 50k section of the relay added to the energy to get me into Kinloch proper

    Running into Kinloch aid station was amazing - my family and friends all in their Team Bruce shirts and random people knowing who I was and cheering due to my family's support of others - as well as people I knew but had no idea would be there waiting around to say hi and give me a clap. A quick grab of home made slice and I was off (walking and eating) again. The last leg was tough but different - The hill - (why throw the largest hill of an ultra in the last 24k!) was steep and I walked/ran a lot but I felt I was actually making good time, the undulating loop was also a slight walk run affair as hip and quads now were both yelling at me to stop. June was awesome and kept talking and distracting me enough to keep me going..I passed a few more people than I expected including a few who I ran with early in the day who I thought would be finished.

    While not sprinting I actually feel I gave the last 8k a good knock all down hill. - that left my quads burning but my heart singing when I got to the bottom with 1k to go. Joined by my wife and Ezra (age 8) I picked up the pace just a little and hearing the finish was enough to get me across the line. 74k done.

    Jason then gave the mic and allowed me to do a quick fund-raising plug! I got my sweet as lava glass medal and took a few photos with my supporters.. ..

    Nutrition: I kept drinking my roctane GU replace with the intent of finishing before or at each aid station which held through the race. I had 2 drop bags with per-prepared bottles bun unfortunately the GU drink wasn't roctane and placebo or not it didn't have the same effect. I also made myself eat at every aid station even if not hungry - even walking out from them with food in hand trying to chew it down,. - all this resulted in using my back pack water sparingly so carried much more weight than required (lesson learnt).


    Legs hurt a lot that night, and a bit for a few days, hip still not right and I feel amazing with what I have achieved personally and pretty stoked this fundraising page is around $1,800 as I type..

    What next.. not sure but there will be a next time..

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  • Kinloch Marathon - Training on Ultra Course

      5 September 2018
    Main image

    After another awesome Total Sport event on the weekend, I know this is going to be a little harder than I expected.

    I managed to get a solid up-hill track south of Kinloch on the Friday then ran the 42k Marathon the next morning and man were there some awesome views and running trails both days. A little more hill than I imagined but worth every step.

    What went right:

    I finished the marathon on a double day with tired legs and some strong up hill runs (esp the 1st 21k). GU Gels and GU Roctane drink are confirmed as my preferred in race energy boosts and my new inov8 290 shoes are perfect for the ultra trails.

    Work ons:

    Pacing myself and Nutrition. I can't eat peanut butter sandwiches and run, nor can I eat more than 1 jet plane at a time. Had an empty tummy too often so need to work on how I avoid this with real food.

    Next steps:

    Xterra Waiuku 21k this weekend in muddy Riverhead Forrest and trial more food options while running. - oh and promote my fundraising a bit more.

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