Participating in TBI Health Wellington Vert Challenge Fundraiser
Not all hero's wear capes! Our team of allied health professionals at TBI Health Lower Hutt are going head-to-head against the other Wellington clinics and services, challenging ourselves to reach new heights and support a worthy cause along the way. On April 30th 2023, your local superhero's are going to ascend Te Whiti Park firebreak (310m) as many times as possible in a 12 hour period and raise money for the NZ Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.
As a team we are aiming to scale the height of Mt. Everest (8,848m) which is a combined total of 29 climbs for our team of 7! Feel free donate/sponsor your chosen therapist or the team as a whole. You can donate a flat amount or even pledge an amount per ascent or for total distance climbed to fuel the inter-clinic and inter-personal competition!
There will be pain, there will be inter-clinic rivalry and there will be bragging rights for the hero climbing the highest vertical distance!
Our team and personal goals:
Sarah Tulloch (Manager and physio) - 6 climbs
Morgan Rowan (physio) - 7 climbs
Sarah Holliday (exercise therapist) - 7 climbs
Barnaby Verberne (physio) - 3 climbs
Melissa Martin (physio) - 3 climbs
Sam Butturini (physio) - 4 climbs
Baylee Tebby (physio) - 2 climbs
TBI Health Wellington Vert Challenge Fundraiser
TBI Health Wellington Vert Challenge Fundraiser for Cyclone Gabrielle Disaster Relief
No team members to donate to yet, please come back later.