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Te Ao Mārama Nepia, Hawaiki Kura - Drop for Youth 2022

$1,020 of $1,000 goal
Given by 16 generous donors in around 9 months

Participating in Drop for Youth Marlborough 2022


I am dropping for Youth! I truly believe that our youth are not the leaders of tomorrow, but they are the leaders of today. Rangatahi and Tamariki in Wairau should have the opportunities to become the best versions of themselves. I have been apart of various transformational journeys through cultural workshops and I am successful product of these types of environments. I have now had the opportunities to lead these cultural workshops with my whānau business, so youth transformation is truly close to my heart and I will continue to support our community through participating in various events like these.

As the head girl of Marlborough Girls' College it is my mission to walk the walk. One of my favourite quotes is "Tūwhitia te hopo" which translates to "Feel the fear and do it anyway."

I have a strong goal this year to step outside of my own comfort zones to serve within our community. I have done so much for Rangatahi Māori and I would love to make a difference to more lives, who aren't just Māori.

I will be representing Hawaiki Kura which is my whānau led business. We have developed various programs that teach our rangatahi that they are a seed born of greatness. Using our cultural tools and skills to create strong, confident and humble individuals who thrive.

All funds raised will be used to cover Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough programme delivery costs within the Marlborough region.

Participating in

Drop for Youth Marlborough 2022

We're daring people to get outside of their comfort zone, just like our young people do through our programmes!

Latest donations

The Browns
The Browns on 25 May 2022
Woohoo! xxx
Leni Manson and Jaimee Randall Raffle
Leni Manson and Jaimee Randall Raffle on 24 May 2022
Let’s do this!
Heather on 24 May 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 May 2022
Keelan on 11 May 2022

Who's involved?

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Created by Te Ao Mārama Nepia
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 24 Mar 2022 and ended on 31 Dec 2022.