2014 Runathon - Team Simpson Grierson

$105 of $2,000 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in 4 weeks

The sportswoman and sportsman that make up Team Simpson Grierson are:Andrew Reid, Andy Kung, Ants Shepherd, Daniel Turkel, Elah Zamora, Lau


The sportswoman and sportsman that make up Team Simpson Grierson are:Andrew Reid, Andy Kung, Ants Shepherd, Daniel Turkel, Elah Zamora, Laura Thompson, Tien Liew, Tiffany Ryan and Holly Apps

The sportswoman and sportsman that make up Team Simpson Grierson are:Andrew Reid, Andy Kung, Ants Shepherd, Daniel Turkel, Elah Zamora, Laura Thompson, Tien Liew, Tiffany Ryan and Holly Apps

Participating in

Westpac Chopper Run-a-thon 2014

Westpac Chopper Run-a-thon 2014

Latest donations

Miles Turkel
Miles Turkel on 29 May 2014
Good work!
Margaret W B Williamson
Margaret W B Williamson on 22 May 2014
Jenny Davis
Jenny Davis on 21 May 2014
Good luck!
Violet on 20 May 2014
Stephen Hoy
Stephen Hoy on 20 May 2014
All the best team, great cause

Who's involved?

Sam Jenkins's avatar
Created by Sam Jenkins
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 14 May 2014 and ended on 13 Jun 2014.