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The Bike Bandits - supporting Bikes in Schools

$9,540 of $5,000 goal
Given by 62 generous donors in 8 weeks

Please help The Bike Bandits raise money for Bikes in Schools in the 2019 ToNZ cycle race. Every $20 raised buys one helmet.


The Bike On NZ Charitable Trust is a registered charity who's vision and strategy is to enable as many children as possible to get to ride a bike on a regular and equal basis and experience the many joys and benefits of riding a bike.

Bikes in Schools already benefits over 30,000 children in +100 schools and is aiming to raise that by a further 43,000 kids in the next few years. Through the organisations support bike tracks, bike equipment and resources are provided to schools all over NZ. Once a school track opens, it’s always a huge thrill to see kids learn to ride, and gain fitness, confidence and a sense of adventure, resulting in the creation of a real community asset.

The Bike Bandits are a group of guys and gals who enjoy an occasional morning ride but more importantly the pre-work banter and coffee.

However, they are not afraid of a little challenge......

So come April 6th 2019, sporting the bright blue and green James Group kit, a group of 14 Bike Bandits will embark on the epic Tour of New Zealand charity road cycling race.

This race will see them ride 630kms over 9 stages between Rotorua and Queenstown.

And while there will be a lot a pain in the legs and grimaces on faces climbing many mountain ranges..... it will all be in good stead to put Helmets on heads of school children in NZ.

Please help The Bike Bandits raise money for Bikes in Schools in the 2019 Tour of New Zealand cycle race. Every $20 raised buys one helmet to be donated to participating schools.

You can follow along our journey via Facebook or Instagram @thebikebandits

The Bike Bandits' involvement (page creator)

Please help The Bike Bandits raise money for Bikes in Schools in the 2019 Tour of New Zealand cycle race.

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Latest donations

For Anna
For Anna on 17 Apr 2019
Well done, I hope the tour was a blast. Great cause
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Apr 2019
$50 from Trevor Mallard post Speedo Run
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Apr 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Apr 2019
Good work Bike Bandits
RL Millar
RL Millar on 15 Apr 2019

Who's involved?

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Created by The Bike Bandits (Group)
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Mar 2019 and ended on 30 Apr 2019.