ISO team comes together to raise money for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled.
Bay of Plenty
ISO is a bunch of amazing, hardworking and enthusiastic people who decided to support our local charity by climbing The Mount 38 times in 50 days. Climbing up and down Mauao 38 times is the equivalent of climbing the Earth's highest mountain (8848 m).
The challenge takes place between 22nd of February and 12th of April 2019 and its main goal is to raise funds for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled. Tauranga RDA Equestrian Therapy Centre provides therapeutic horse related activities for children and adults who are challenged by physical, mental and cognitive difficulties or who have social needs and who are at-risk within our community.
It is a great opportunity for our awesome employees not only to raise money for a well deserved charity, but also to improve our overall health and fitness.
It's a great pleasure for me to lead and participate in this amazing challenge. "Help someone not for the reward, but for the sake of changing a life".
Day 12 6 March 2019
Day 12 today, and what a stunning sunrise it was!
It's amazing to see how many people are taking part in supporting this wonderful cause. Meeting new people every day on my way up and listening to their stories has been a great experience. People taking selfies as a proof, updating their fundraising pages, sharing their determination and personal reasons for helping others.
Absolutely love this challenge.
The Mount Everest Challenge is back! Join us and Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled.