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The Mohua (Yellowhead) of Makarora need you!

  • With your help we're making a difference

      28 November 2023
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    Thanks to the generous support of all our donors, we have been able to install over 600 bait stations throughout the Makarora forests. We've been closely monitoring two mohua nests - which are at the chick feeding stage - and we're excited to see the chicks fledge. We have also banded 12 new mohua - allowing us to monitor these birds visually.

    For anyone who has been sent the link to this crowdfunding campaign after it has closed, you are welcome to make a donation direct through our website - every little bit helps in the war against the rats!

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  • Wow!

      20 November 2023

    Thank you so much to everyone for supporting our fundraising campaign! The community support has been incredible - and its very heartening to see how many people love mohua and conservation as much as we do!

    We're rolling out the bait stations and extra traps, and will update you here on how it goes.

    Feel free to also check out our social media where we post updates about our work - or or

    You can also sign up to our newsletter -

    Again, thank you! We couldn't do it without your help!

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  • Thank you!

      17 November 2023

    Thank you so much to everyone who has supported our fundraiser - donating, sharing the campaign and helping out. Our team of staff and volunteers are blown away by the community support.

    Coming into the final hours of the campaign, we'd love if you can please share the campaign with anyone who loves our native species as much as we all do! Together we can work together to remove the rats, and save the mohua!

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  • Thank you!

      13 November 2023
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    Thank you so much for your support! It is incredible for our volunteers and staff to see the community getting behind our work to protect the mohua.

    Our field crew and volunteers in Makarora are currently checking traps every 10 days, and they report that bait from some of the bait stations they've already installed is being munched. Hopefully all this work will keep rat numbers low enough for our precious mohua to survive!

    Coming into the final week of our fundraising campaign, we would be very grateful if you could share our campaign with your networks, or on social media. Please also follow our socials for more information about the work we are doing throughout the Southern Lakes region.

    Or please sign up to our newsletter - - we dont email often

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  • Rats!

      11 November 2023

    Thank you to everyone who has donated. We are so grateful!

    For those who may not have seen it, here's a little explainer about why rats are such an issue for mohua.

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  • Thank you!

      8 November 2023

    Thank you so much for all the support so far! It is incredible for our Forest & Bird Central Otago Branch volunteers and the Southern Lakes Sanctuary team to see the support that is coming from the community!

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