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Relay For Life

$10 of $200 goal
Given by 1 generous donor in 4 weeks

I've walked in the relay a few times before but this year i'm a team captain. My team consists of 12 of my good friends and we're all doi


Cancer Society Wellington

I've walked in the relay a few times before but this year i'm a team captain.

My team consists of 12 of my good friends and we're all doing our best to fundraise for the cancer society.

Please please make a donation, be a good person :)

Participating in

2011 Relay For Life - Wellington

2011 Relay For Life - Wellington

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Mar 2011

Who's involved?

Olivia Shields's avatar
Created by Olivia Shields
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 5 Mar 2011 and ended on 4 Apr 2011.