The Hounds - Sponsored by OMF

$1,680 of $2,000 goal
Given by 10 generous donors in 4 weeks

The Hounds, made up of some of Financial Markets finest will be competing in the Annual Westpac Chopper Runathon to raise money for the Wes


The Hounds, made up of some of Financial Markets finest will be competing in the Annual Westpac Chopper Runathon to raise money for the Westpac Rescuce Helicopter.

The Hounds, made up of some of Financial Markets finest will be competing in the Annual Westpac Chopper Runathon to raise money for the Westpac Rescuce Helicopter.

Participating in

Westpac Chopper Run-a-thon 2014

Westpac Chopper Run-a-thon 2014

Latest donations

mikeandhelenpearce on 25 May 2014
Nice day for an off leash stroll in the park
evantr on 23 May 2014
Great cause! And so appropriate, Rodney's always loved choppers.
William D Malcolm
William D Malcolm on 23 May 2014
Go The Hounds
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 May 2014
OM Financial Limited
OM Financial Limited on 23 May 2014

Who's involved?

Sam Jenkins's avatar
Created by Sam Jenkins
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 21 May 2014 and ended on 20 Jun 2014.