2014 Runathon - The Lightening Bolts

$541 of $2,000 goal
Given by 16 generous donors in 4 weeks

Teams have 5 hours to run as many kilometres as they can with the winner taking out the Chopper Cup. Additional kudos for the team that rai


The Lightening Bolts have 5 hours to run as many kilometres is possible with the winner taking out the Chopper Cup.Competing in the team is Maria Hearle, Georgia O'Brien, Jamie Park, Richard Jarrett, Jackie Shen, Diane Harper, Sandra Moorhead

Carol D'Silva, Verity Turner, Chris Robinson, Dalice Rose-McSeveney

Teams have 5 hours to run as many kilometres as they can with the winner taking out the Chopper Cup. Additional kudos for the team that raises the most funds!!!

Participating in

Westpac Chopper Run-a-thon 2014

Westpac Chopper Run-a-thon 2014

Latest donations

Sandra Moorhead
Sandra Moorhead on 03 Jun 2014
We were awesome! Especially Di and Jade......
Gene Clendon
Gene Clendon on 27 May 2014
Good on you Di, run hard :-)
Kevin Hearle
Kevin Hearle on 26 May 2014
Janet Harper
Janet Harper on 26 May 2014
Well done to you all.
The Hearle Family
The Hearle Family on 25 May 2014
The bouncy castle was bouncy and the sausage sizzle was yum. We had fun and did lots of laps. Yay!!!

Who's involved?

Sam Jenkins's avatar
Created by Sam Jenkins
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 May 2014 and ended on 14 Jun 2014.