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Tman's Swimming Quest


      7 July 2024

    I want to give a massive shout out to everyone that support me in this aquathon. Even though I couldn't partake with the club. I committed to completing this event, because without the love and support from everyone I wouldn't be able to partake.

    Well I did it. Mostly with help from Mum and Dad with giving me bigger sets I managed to swim the 20km target and still play rugby and waterpolo.

    That's me done. Now for some R&R with holidays.

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  • Another two swims under my belt

      5 July 2024

    Been a busy few days.

    Wednesday - no swim

    Thursday - Club swim only 2.5km in total

    Friday - busy day for me. Spent 2 hours playing rugby outside. Then spent 1 hour 45 minutes swimming. In total I swam 4.5 kms a mixture of Mum and Club. Then at 8.45pm filled in for St Martins School waterpolo team..won 13 - 7. Scored 4 goals. Then Mum got me Maccas, as it was a long day.

    Last two days swam 7 kms.

    In total 12.5km swam with 7.5km to go.

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  • Two swims under my belt

      2 July 2024

    Don't know where my Sunday post has gone to but I have started my tracking of lengths.

    Sunday, was a mixture of surf swim and normal swim in toalI swam 3.5kms.

    Monday, was a full on day at school with a korfball tournament so no swimming.

    Tuesday, I was back swimming club and it was a wee bit slow. Managed to swim a total of 2km. 1875 with the squad and I carried on by myself to finish the lengths.

    In total I have swam 5.5km's. Only 14.5km's to go.

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  • New target, New Goal

      30 June 2024

    I want to thank everyone that has kindly supported me. You don't know how humble and thankful I am to each and everyone of you. I have increased my target as I am swimming my quest (aquathon) starting from 30th June to 6th July. Each day I will post how I have gone and what I have been up to. Wish me luck.

    Tyronne Northcott

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      29 June 2024

    Hi everyone

    I want to thank everyone that has contributed to my give a little page and supported me in my quest in supporting Aquagym.

    Unfortunately, this week had to be the week I got very sick and have been out of the pool on doctors orders, so I wanted to give you all an update what's happening.

    I was rearing ready to go for the aquathon swim week, but the week before the aquathon I was very healthly, but we had sick people coughing at the pool. Because my immune system is not strong I caught this person's illness and was hit also by another belt of asthma. As Kelly Clarkson's song goes "What doesn't hurt you makes you stronger" that's what my mantra will be this week as I commit to swimming the lengths with the help of Mum, Dad and Miriama by my side.

    Instead of doing the lengths this week. I am starting tomorrow 30th June 2024 and finishing my quest on 6th July 2024. My first hit out will be with surf swimming at QEII tomorrow, so will be a bit different then my usually backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle strokes.

    Tyronne Northcott

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    • 30/06/2024 by Tyronne (Tman) Northcott

      Doing awesome Tyronne. Don't let things get you down. You are still young and have plenty of time to reach your potential in whatever that sport that may be. Dad