Trekking the South Island to Enable New Zealand Youth in the Outdoors

$259 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in around 4 months

Kia Ora my name is Troy, I will be trekking 1309 kilometers to help low-decile schools deliver outdoor education experiences for students.


My name is Troy Kendall. I am an 18-year-old student studying environmental management and renewable energy in Invercargill.

At the start of the new year (January 10th, 2018), I will be tramping the South Island of New Zealand (Bluff to Marlborough Sounds). This is to raise funds for Kiwi children and teens who also wish to experience the great outdoors. I was fortunate enough throughout high school to participate in school camps and experience being a leader on junior school camps. This was due to the tremendous efforts of POET (Perry Outdoor Education Trust). An experience I won't forget. After completing high school, a year ago, I have taken this valuable experience with me which has led to my passion for the outdoors substantially growing. I have taken up activities such as mountaineering and rock-climbing. I now find myself wanting to give back to the team that helped grow my passion for the New Zealand Environment.

I am self-funding my tramp, meaning all funds raised here will go to POET and then the New Zealand youth enabling them to experience these awesome school camps designed by POET. At approximately 1309 kilometers long, the South Island is a significant length traveling through dense forest, long coasts, and high mountains; the length of this trail not only posing a significant physical challenge but also a mental challenge.

POET is a charitable trust aimed at equipping low-decile schools to facilitate the delivery of outdoor education experiences for students by building capability and sustainability in the school through professional development. Mentoring of teachers and extensive planning ensures no student is excluded from these exciting school-based outdoor education experiences through a lack of financial means. Experiences are also taken place close to home, are low cost and help build connections between students and their local environments and communities.

The funds raised on this page will go directly to POET, contributing towards enabling more low-decile schools and New Zealand youth to also have the opportunity to experience the great New Zealand outdoors.

Troy's Tramping's involvement (page creator)

I am motivated to help this charitable trust because I personally believe all New Zealand children and teenagers should have the chance and opportunity to experience and develop themselves in the great New Zealand outdoors.

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Beaconlea Holiday Apartments Gold Coast
Beaconlea Holiday Apartments Gold Coast on 11 Dec 2017
Enjoy yourself Troy and take lots of photos. Love Aunty Cheryl & Uncle Keith
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Dec 2017
Whoop 😊😇
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Dec 2017
Woohoo 🙌
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Dec 2017
Good on you!
Julie on 08 Dec 2017
Wishing you all the best for your adventure.
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This campaign started on 30 Nov 2017 and ended on 20 Mar 2018.