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Two hundy for Taylor

  • It's done!

      13 November 2022
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    After 46 hours and 10 minutes we rolled into Thames. We had thunderstorms, torrential rain, blocked and flooded tracks, rockfall, two bike breakages and a wasp sting. We got lost, we found ourselves, and we covered 200km under our own steam within 48 hours.

    I say 'we' as really there wasn't anything I did that wasn't supported by friends, family and by everyone who contributed to this awesome cause, giving me a reason to keep going.

    Alice and I can't thank you enough.

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  • First section ticked off!

      11 November 2022

    Starting at 5:45pm we managed the 60km bike ride in on and off heavy rain and 20-35kph winds, got lost in the forest for an hour due to logging completely blocking a trail but made good time after, arrived at our sleep spot at 10:30pm ish. I'd call that a success!

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  • Almost 1 week to go!

      3 November 2022
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    I can hardly believe that in 8 days I'll be 2.5 hours into the this epic challenge. The weather report is looking shocking at the moment, but I'm confident that whatever the weather we'll get it done, one way or another!

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  • Bike training

      13 October 2022
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    I've set up a bike to kart both kids around, it's a great way to get them to daycare and appointments but also a way to do some bike resistance training! I use a Followme Tandem to mount Finn's bike to the back of mine, and unmount it when he wants to ride on his own. He's become a bit of a bike fanatic himself, he has his first mountain bike race in a couple of weeks and he's very excited.

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  • Early rising

      5 October 2022
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    Another way I'm making training work around family is by getting it done before they wake up. Unfortunately as both myself and my wife work fulltime noone is a late riser! Today this looked like a 4:30am wakeup and hiking Papamoa hills with a 20kg backpack, then a quick mountain bike with the kids, then taking them to daycare via - you guessed it - the bike!

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  • Training with family

      29 September 2022
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    Like Alice, I'm passionate about spending time with family. This can make training difficult. One work-around I use is to incorporate them into the exercise. This week that looked like a hike with grandpa and my son with a backpack full of weights!

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