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Ultramarathon for Animal Rescue

$795 donated
Given by 20 generous donors in 6 weeks

Fundraising for Animal Rescue Charity in Northland


I am running a 165km race on 11 February 2023. In doing so I’m also raising money for Bay of Islands Animal Rescue which does such an amazing job.

Their motto is “Never Ending Story” as it sums up exactly what they give to these animals. The story never ends. There are always new stories and often sad stories with happy endings. They have a no kill policy unless it is an extreme case where the kindest thing to do.

An important part of their work involves de-sexing animals, educating people on how animals should be cared for including their housing, flea and worm treatment, vaccinations and the appropriate diet. They feed animals in the community during times of crisis for owners and sometimes ongoing. They provide dry warm shelters and blankets for outside dogs and aim to get dogs off life chains by working with the owners to provide containment solutions while educating on the need for exercise and mental stimulation.

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Finished!!  21 February 2023

Apologies for the late update - Cyclone Gabrielle hit soon after finishing the race.

We finished in 29 Hrs 27 mins.

I want to thank everyone so much for their kind donations and support.

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Latest donations

Colm on 04 Feb 2023
Let’s go Nat 💪
Brad 4paws
Brad 4paws on 02 Feb 2023
Love this!
Natalie Ganley

Thank you so much Brad for your amazing contribution! Much appreciated.

Natalie Ganley
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Jan 2023
best of luck Nat, get the Support Crew lined up and have a great time!
Natalie Ganley

Thank you!

Natalie Ganley
Jackie on 30 Jan 2023
Go well!
Natalie Ganley

Thank you so much for your support

Natalie Ganley
Justine on 28 Jan 2023
Amazing! Best of luck xo
Natalie Ganley

Thank you Justine! Must catch up.

Natalie Ganley

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Created by Natalie Ganley
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This campaign started on 17 Jan 2023 and ended on 28 Feb 2023.