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Walking a Half Marathon

$399 of $500 goal
Given by 9 generous donors in 21 days

This page allows you to support people with disabilities by donating to us so we can walk for people who possibly can't.


Hi, Our names are Lucy, Jess, Ella and Sophie. We are walking a half Marathon (21 km) to raise money for CCS Disability Action. We are walking from Khandallah, to Raroa then to the Chocolate Fish cafe. All the money we raise will go towards helping people with disabilities. The charity we have chosen supports funding for medical expenses, wheelchairs etc

Jess, Lucy, Ella and Sophie's involvement (page creator)

We feel that there is definitely not enough government funding to assist people living with disabilities and their families. Disabilities impact all aspects of everyday life.

Latest donations

Thomas, Charlie and Abbie
Thomas, Charlie and Abbie on 19 May 2019
Merrilyn on 18 May 2019
Great effort girls
Aunty Tor
Aunty Tor on 17 May 2019
What a great cause. Have fun on your walk!!!
Nana & Grandad
Nana & Grandad on 15 May 2019
$2 for each kilometre, well done girls, great cause.
Nanny and Poppy
Nanny and Poppy on 13 May 2019
Go girls

Who's involved?

Jess, Lucy, Ella and Sophie's avatar
Created by Jess, Lucy, Ella and Sophie (Group)
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 6 May 2019 and ended on 27 May 2019.