Walking to help young people reach their full potential

$30 of $2,500 goal
Given by 2 generous donors in around 9 months

This is a chance to make a difference and to give back. Everything we do for young people is an investment in the future.


Conquer anything. Our strap line is "we want every child to know what you have inside is greater than any obstacle" and I fully believe in this.

Our programmes are based on positive youth development. I have learnt to be a better person by being positive and working for an organisation that believes in giving tamariki and rangitahi the best possible opportunities to succeed!

Young people (rangatahi) need all the help they can get in today's world. It's something I wish I had when I was a young teenager painfully shy with little confidence in myself.

Healthy positive confident people will make New Zealand a better place.

Adi Cummings' involvement (page creator)

Conquer anything - I want every child to know what you have inside is greater than any obstacle. I work for the amazing Graeme Dingle Foundation and I love inspiring and helping young people to reach their full potential no matter what their background is. Investing in youth is like gold to me.

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Participating in

Trek to Transform Young Lives

Join us on this adventure through beautiful Vietnam & help young people in NZ keep on track, learn good values and set goals for the future.

Latest donations

P-Puma on 30 Aug 2018
Great work Adi!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Aug 2018

Who's involved?

Adi Cummings's avatar
Created by Adi Cummings
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 29 Aug 2018 and ended on 30 May 2019.