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Weird Wonderful Brain Following Encephalitis

  • Adventure race successfully completed

      14 March 2022
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    Thank you so much for all the generous donation that have trickled in since my last update. They will go a long way to help Brain Injury Association Northland in delivering services to people affected by brain injury and their family.

    It's been a few busy week here with March being Brain Injury Awareness Month. Our team "Insane Bolts" completed the adventure race this past weekend. It was a very challenging course, but we pushed through and ended up crossing the finish line in 3rd position. Massive achievement and needless to say that we were all pretty proud of how we've tackle this enormous challenge.

    The Attitude filming crew was filming us prior, during and after the race from literally all angles. The episode should be released later this year and I'll post another update when it does.

    Once again, a massive thank you for your contribution!


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  • Time to step up the training

      14 February 2022
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    Less than a month before our next big adventure race with Soaked in Adventure. Time to increase the distances on foot and on the bike. Please support our team “Lightening Bolts” by supporting our fundraiser with a generous donation.

    MEGA SCOOP!!! This year we will be followed by the Attitude filming crew which will be capturing snippets of life after encephalitis and brain injury. This episode will air later in the year online. It is all very exciting, but a bit intimidating too.

    Please support us 👇

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