What’s Fishing Worth? 1.7 billion dollars!
8 April 2016The results are out. The New Zealand Marine Research Foundation’s research has found that our recreational fishing is worth $1.7 billion to the national economy.
Kiwis each spend, on average, $1400 per year on fishing. When our spending is combined with international visitors’ expenditure it all adds up to a grand total of $946 million per annum. Our fishing also supports 8,100 jobs and generates $1.7 billion in economic activity each year.
Calculating all this wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for your generous donation. Thank you.
What happens next? The full technical report, some 100 pages, is going through a peer review process and will be published later in the year. In the meantime, we think that you, your mates and our country’s decision makers want to know how much recreational fishing as an industry is worth.
LegaSea’s view is that more fish in the water means better fishing experiences, more tourism and more economic growth. Sounds pretty positive huh.
The foundation have published the highlights in an economic report which you can download here.
If you want to see more research like this, please consider making another donation to the Foundation - After reading the report, I'm sure you'll agree that they're producing high quality research which is highly valued by New Zealanders.
You can donate to to the foundation at https://www.givealittle.co.nz/org/nzmrf
If you would like a copy posted to you, please email matthew@legasea.co.nz
Thank you on behalf of LegaSea and the New Zealand Marine Research Foundation.