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“Where there is love, there is life”

$2,146 of $2,100 goal
Given by 38 generous donors in 21 days

Please support if you can! Instead of judging the depressed souls out there we can provide the love, care and support for them to get better

Mount Maunganui, Tauranga

Hello family and friends,

As many of you know I have suffered a lot through ADHD symptoms, anxiety, depression, rejection, obesity, severe knee pain due to years of chronic osteoarthritis, career fatigue, marriage breakdown, addiction and relationship trauma!

I will be taking part in my first ever 21km Half Marathon on 24.08.24 in Mount Maunganui to raise funds for this amazing charity which helps people like me who has suffered from severe depression and trauma. Since I have suffered from many forms of addictions, I thought it’s a fair charity to represent and help out this time round.

I was very lucky to have been given the much needed professional rehab and psychiatric support to heal and get over my depression issues and addictions and get my mental health back into a stable condition over the years! I am grateful to have two supportive, loving and very generous parents who helped me with my residential rehab regimes and recovery journey. However, there are many souls out there all alone in this recovery journey tackling it rough and not with much funds to support psychiatric counselling. Hence, peer support is the answer!

1km = $100

21km = $2,100

Please give from your generous heart and soul if you can! No pressure!

Thank you for your support! I am proud to be doing this 21km Run/Walk after being 140kg+ only one year ago! All glory to my lord and saviour Jesus Christ. May his grace also save other suffering souls out there.

Much aroha from Mount Maunganui!

God bless you!

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Thank you  11 September 2024

Dear family and friends,

Thank you so much for your love, support, empathy, encouragement and generosity!

We did it team!

We raised our goal of $100/km x 21km = $2,100+ ($2,146.00)

I ran the entire distance of 21km without stopping too and clocked 3.13 hours!

“Where there is love, there is life”

All glory to my lord and saviour Jesus Christ!

Praise God everyday and keep moving..

Never give up! One day at a time! Keep it simple! Let go, Let God…

Kia Kaha!

Love you all…



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Dhahara & Ushan
Dhahara & Ushan on 27 Aug 2024
Great job!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Aug 2024
Well done Has
Agashan on 26 Aug 2024
Quick top up to reach your goal Hasi. Well done mate. Aga
Agashan on 25 Aug 2024
Well done Has! Aga
Indi on 25 Aug 2024
So proud Hasith!

Who's involved?

Hasith Gamage's avatar
Created by Hasith Gamage
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 20 Aug 2024 and ended on 10 Sep 2024.