Charlotte's More FM Mount Everest Challenge

$10 of $500 goal
Given by 1 generous donor in 9 weeks

As crazy as it sounds i'm climbing mount Everest - Well the equivalent anyways!!! Help me Raise money for a fantastic local cause!

Bay of Plenty

“I have been challenged to participate in The MORE FM Mount Everest Challenge. Climbing the

Mount 38 times is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest! So I have been challenged to do this in

50 days and help raise money for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled - It’s Equestrian Therapy.

The challenge starts Friday February 22nd 2019.

As crazy as it sounds i'm climbing mount Everest - Well the equivalent anyways!!! Help me Raise money for a fantastic local cause! I will be taking Daily pics to prove my involvement and track my progress!

Charlotte tocker's involvement (page creator)

“I have been challenged to participate in The MORE FM Mount Everest Challenge. Climbing the

Mount 38 times is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest! So I have been challenged to do this in

50 days and help raise money for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled - It’s Equestrian Therapy.

The challenge starts Friday February 22nd 2019.

Participating in

More FM Mount Everest Challenge 2019

The Mount Everest Challenge is back! Join us and Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled.

Latest donations

Andree on 22 Feb 2019
Good luck Charlotte :)

Who's involved?

Charlotte tocker's avatar
Created by Charlotte tocker
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 21 Feb 2019 and ended on 30 Apr 2019.