We Care

We Care

Please join our call to support 1m+ New Zealanders who care for loved ones who are unwell, frail, or have a health condition or disability.



More than 1m New Zealanders provide daily support to a family member who is frail, unwell, or has a health condition or disability. We rely on them to care for New Zealand's most vulnerable, and can all expect to give or receive family care during our lives.

But we aren't caring enough about family carers.

Two thirds experience depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Many are unable to do paid work, so they can't save for retirement, and struggle to sustain their families.

Despite their important role, family carers have no home in government. They are an afterthought without a direct voice in policy that affects them.

Our campaign aims to change this. We are seeking a Minister or Commissioner for Family Carers, and wellbeing and financial protections to support them.

Campaign actions include a petition to Parliament calling for these changes, and e-postcards to all MPs, Ministers, political party leaders, and the PM saying they need to do better for carers if they are part of the next government.

Please support our work and our campaign to help New Zealand's family, whānau, and āiga carers.

Photo: Iris and Angela, Caring Moments, by Terry Winn. This iconic 2008 image series will be gifted to a national collection this year as a record of carers and their lives for future generations.

More about us

The Carers Alliance is a coalition of 50+ national not for profits working on behalf of our country's 1m+ family, whānau, and āiga carers. Carers NZ acts as the Secretariat for the Carers Alliance.

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Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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