PACT has been working with at-risk kids in Manukau since 1995. TUMANAKO HOU Girls Home is a new venture, and one we need help to fund.
We've set up TUMANAKO HOU to provide a safe home and family environment for teenage girls who aren't safe where they currently are - that could be for any reason.
Tumanako Hou, meaning 'New Hope' is about giving these girls a new start, a fresh perspective and a hope for their future.
We've been operating in Manukau and providing programs, mentoring and support to youth and whanau for 20 years - not too bad for a small organisation!
PACT works alongside a number of other organisations in our community, and is a respected service provider.
Check out our website for a copy of our Annual Report, and for the Tumanako Hou Brochure