We help students to think. This is not as easy as it sounds! We encourage students to investigate and explore the Christian faith.
Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship is grounded in a commitment to the Bible’s authenticity and transformative power. Through intentional discipleship, staff encourage students to grow as leaders and apply their faith to all areas of their life — from relationships to study to work.
TSCF began in 1936 when evangelical student groups around the country formed what was originally known as Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. TSCF is a founding member of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students.
Currently around 30 student-led groups, each with its own name and identity, are active on all of Aotearoa's universities and many polytechs. TSCF staff support students as they share the gospel with their friends in community and learn how to study the Bible for themselves.
TSCF also hosts regional and national events to equip students and connect them with other students and with believers who are further along in their faith and careers.