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Little Lego Library

  • Update for 15/09/2011

      15 September 2011

    Kia ora tatou! Welcome to ShoutOut's Give a little page. This is a temporary page as we hope to fund raise once and never again! We believe in donating time, energy, resources and skills - not to mention great advice! - but have never asked for money and don't expect users to donate money to others when using our page. We always first recommend sharing what you do have! So why are you asking for money? Unfortunately, some things do cost money, and neither myself or our two other admins have any to spare. I honestly would if I could. We need 122 dollars for registering as a non-profit. Once this is done, donations will be 'charitible gifts' and able to be claimed when you do your taxes. Then we need a little more for a domain name and hosting for our website - I am still looking for the best deals out there! Once we have things set up, I truly believe we won't need to ask our supporters for money ever again. Thanks so very much, check out our page if you don't know us - and keep it up! Alexandra Founder of ShoutOutNZ

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