Please help us to protect the rare and threatened native species that inhabit the Bealey Valley of Arthur's Pass National Park.
What we do...
It's all about removing introduced predators and weeds from the local environment. To this end the Trust maintains hundreds of traps that capture stoats, weasels and rats, we also capture feral cats from time to time. We also work with volunteers to remove the invasive weeds that are taking over the riverbeds, that in turn provide shelter for predators. Its a never ending battle...
Although it is substantially volunteers that tend our trap lines etc, we do need injections of funds to maintain, and extend this network of protection, to keep it effective and responsive to future threats.
The Arthur's Pass Wildlife Trust is a non-profit volunteer organisation. It was originally founded by the Arthur's Pass Community in late 2005 as the "Arthur's Pass Kiwi Recovery Project". In 2010 the Trust was established and broadened its mission to protect the entire eco-system of the Bealey Valley in Arthur's Pass National Park.