Our vision is to inspire young people to excellence through their love of musical performance.
Support this worthwhile organisation which has been encouraging and challenging young people to aspire to excellence for over 75 years. These young musicians have already put in years of disciplined personal practice to achieve their individual performance standards. When they come together as an orchestra the results are thrilling!
Every dollar we receive is carefully stewarded to help achieve our vision each year.
Your donation goes towards the regular operating costs of hiring rehearsal and concert venues, transport, storage and professional tutoring. Every donation makes a difference.
All donations are most gratefully received. AYO is a Registered Charity and is an IRD-Approved Donee Organisation. A tax receipt will be automatically issued on receipt of your donation.
Find out more about us at www.ayo.org.nz
AYO is the premier regional youth orchestra in New Zealand. Founded in 1948, it is designed to bridge the gap between school orchestras and adult professional groups.
More than 2,600 young adults from diverse cultural and social backgrounds have passed through the ranks of the orchestra, having received expert training in orchestral playing. No other orchestral organisation or institution in New Zealand provides such a comprehensive programme to musicians between the ages of 15 and 26.
Thank you again for your continued support of the work we do with these talented young people - we appreciate your generosity.
Thank you for your generosity.
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