Every individual and organisation engaged in staging ballet in New Zealand should have the means to pursue excellence.
The Royal New Zealand Ballet Foundation is committed to building a sustainable fund to provide long-term stability for ballet in New Zealand. Gifts made to the Foundation ensure that today’s budding dancers can dream of representing New Zealand on the world stage, and that tomorrow’s audiences will enjoy international talent right here at home.
The Royal New Zealand Ballet Foundation is committed to building a sustainable fund of $1 million to provide long-term stability for ballet in New Zealand.
Gifts made to the Foundation ensure that today’s budding dancers can dream of representing New Zealand on the world stage, and that tomorrow’s audiences will enjoy international talent right here at home.
The Royal New Zealand Ballet Foundation is an independent charitable trust (registration number CC47241) committed to supporting, promoting, and advancing classical ballet. Gifts made to the Foundation ensure that today’s budding dancers can dream of representing New Zealand on the world stage, and that tomorrow’s audiences will enjoy international talent right here at home.
Dear Katie, on behalf of the RNZB Foundation thank you for your gift in memory of Lois Morris, who loved ballet and attended performances at RNZB throughout her lifetime.
On behalf of the Royal New Zealand Ballet Foundation, thank you for your recent donation. Kind regards Elizabeth
Dear Susie, on behalf of the Trustees of the RNZB Foundation, thank you for your recent donation. We are grateful for your support of ballet in New Zealand.