The Cacophony Project

The Cacophony Project

New Zealand's native birds are under threat from introduced predators. How can modern information technology help to solve this problem?


Every day, all around New Zealand, the dawn chorus tells us that our birdlife is one of our greatest treasures.Yet, New Zealand's native birds are under threat from introduced predators such as possums, rats, and stoats. How can modern information technology help to solve this problem?

The Cacophony Project is developing a set of technologies that will be deployed throughout New Zealand. These will:

•Lure invasive predators with sound and light

• Observe predators using a thermal camera

• Identify predators automatically using machine learning algorithms

• Eliminate positively identified predators

• Monitor the bird song over time to measure the impact

We think this approach has the potential to increase trapping efficiency enormously.

More about us

Every day, New Zealand’s native birds are under threat from introduced predators. The Cacophony Project is developing a set of technologies to help solve this problem and bring back the Cacophony of native birdsong.

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