Challenge 2000

Challenge 2000

To raise awareness and funds for Challenge 2000 to provide services and programmes to young people, their families and community groups.


Challenge 2000 is a professional, innovative, responsive, dynamic and passionate Youth Development, Community and Family Social Work Agency that has been helping young people since 1988. We work mainly throughout the Wellington region, providing a wide range of services and programmes to children, young people, families and community groups.

We also provide these programmes and project work throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. We have a large team of amazing people, with forty full time staff, numerous volunteers and many amazing sponsors and partners. Our whānau are from all walks of life and want to make a difference and build a positive, accepting community and country.

We work in a responsive, holistic and relational way that empowers our young people to develop their strengths, enhance their well-being and make significant and positive lifestyle choices. We also work hard to strengthen families and support them to achieve what they are capable of as well as escape some of the poverty or despair traps. Personal dignity, social responsibility and social justice are the foundation of the work we do.

Challenge 2000 has many helping hands who work in the background and/or in the frontline. We wouldn’t be who we are without all our willing volunteers. We appreciate their service and dedication to us and social justice in Aotearoa New Zealand.

While we have a number of Government contracts, roughly half of our funding is philanthropic and we rely largely on generous donations, whether it be dollars or food, clothes, cars, baby gear, trailers, weed eaters or sports gear. Every little contribution goes directly toward providing for those young people and families on the margins of society, or enabling Challenge staff to support them in a meaningful way.

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Challenge 2000 (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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