Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust

Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust

Thanks for contributing to the Kawatiri Coastal Trail your financial support will help us sustain & enhance our trail for future generations

West Coast

The Kawatiri Coastal Trail

The 42 km walking and cycling heritage Trail will connect the communities of Carters Beach, Cape Foulwind and Tauranga Bay along the coast from Westport to Charleston.

Your donation to the Trust enables us to take this incredible community asset from good to great, giving enjoyment and health benefits to those who use it. Be part of something amazing, and donate to be part of the trail.

More about us

The Kawatiri Coastal Trail needs donations to support its maintenance and ongoing operations. Even at this early stage it’s imperative sufficient resources are available, to protect and enhance the Trail and the experiences of all who use it.

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Latest donations

Cheryl on 14 Jul 2024
JP & Caroline
JP & Caroline on 06 May 2024
Loved the variety in this bike ride. We will return when the trail has been completed.
Pip on 13 Apr 2024
We really enjoyed riding the trail and look forward to riding again once it's complete.
Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust

Thanks, Pip, for your donation, it is very much appreciated.

Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust
Mayor Jamie
Mayor Jamie on 04 Apr 2024
Keep up the great work, collectively you are making such a difference to Buller.
Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust

Thank you for your very generous donation and words of support, Jamie.

Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust
Kat on 27 Mar 2024
Beautifully constructed trail- can’t wait to see it completed.
Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust

Thank you for your donation and feedback!

Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust

Who's involved?

Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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You can create your own fundraising page that pays directly to Charleston Westport Coastal Trail Trust.
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