North Shore CMA

North Shore CMA

Your donation will go directly towards supporting our isolated seniors, giving them community connection and independence.


North Shore Centres of Mutual Aid (CMA) is a charity that aims to provide inclusiveness and companionship for isolated older people on the North Shore and Hibiscus Coast of Auckland.

Loneliness and social isolation in seniors are major risk factors for depression, they are also linked to long-term illness, cognitive decline, and dementia. Transportation challenges are a significant barrier to inclusiveness and attendance at events and appointments for those no longer able to drive.

Many of our vulnerable seniors do not have access to their community, increasing the risk of isolation. CMA provides a warm and welcoming environment to our members by providing friendship centres in their local community. We provide transport to and from our centres and our members enjoy a morning of companionship, gentle mind and body exercises, games, and most importantly connection and friendship.

We provide support for families and caregivers and accommodate people in the mild and moderate stages of dementia and other age-related illnesses. This enables them to live a better quality of life and in their own homes for longer.

Your donation will go directly towards supporting isolated seniors on the North Shore and Hibiscus Coast of Auckland, giving them community connection and independence.

More about us

North Shore Senior Centres is a charity that aims to provide inclusiveness and companionship for isolated older people on the North Shore, Hibiscus Coast and Auckland area

Loneliness and social isolation in seniors are major risk factors for depression, they are also linked to long-term illness, cognitive decline, and dementia. Transportation challenges are a significant barrier to inclusiveness and attendance at events and appointments for those no longer able to drive.

Many of our vulnerable seniors do not have access to their community, increasing the risk of isolation. CMA provides a warm and welcoming environment to our members by providing friendship centres in their local community. We provide transport to and from our centres and our members enjoy a morning of companionship, gentle mind and body exercises, games, and most importantly connection and friendship.

We provide support for families and caregivers and accommodate people in the mild and moderate stages of dementia and other age-related illnesses. This enables them to live a better quality of life and in their own homes for longer.

Latest update

Thank you to all our supporters  24 February 2020

Hi all - please have a look at our newsletters on our website for some fun filled picture of what we do

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, North Shore CMA (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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