Our coasts are not just great holiday destinations, They are home to important species and protect the land from the sea.
We work with communities, tangata whenua, management agencies and business to research and restore coastal environments for everyone’s benefit. We have developed a technical handbook: 'Restoration of Coastal Sand Dunes using Native Plants' and run a successful annual conference. We set up a post graduate study award to support student research, and we host Coast Care group web pages.
For over 20 years the Coastal Restoration Trust (previously named Dune Restoration Trust) has undertaken science-based research and worked alongside local communities, tangata whenua and management agencies to develop pragmatic and effective coastal restoration strategies.
We have been instrumental in researching and restoring the once rare pingao and spinifex (NZ sand binding plants) to dunelands throughout NZ.
The Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand works with community groups, iwi, councils & government departments, research agencies, industry and educational institutions to share information and carry out projects that support and improve the restoration of coastal ecosystems around New Zealand.