Community Law Canterbury

Community Law Canterbury

Community Law Canterbury is a not-for-profit that delivers legal services to people that cannot afford private legal representation.


Most people need legal help at some point in their lives. For many, the time they are most in need of that help is the time when they can least afford to pay for it.

Community Law Canterbury is a charity which is here to help. Our role is to provide legal assistance to those in our community who would otherwise struggle to access legal services. Our team of community lawyers, law students and volunteer lawyers work together to provide legal help by phone, appointments, outreach clinics and email services. The majority of our legal services are provided free of charge and we're committed to doing as much as we can to work with those who most need our help.

We receive some funding from the Ministry of Justice and through community funding but, as with many charities, the demand for our services means that there is always more need for assistance than there is funding available to provide it.

If we've helped you and you are now able to help us by making a donation, or if you're a community-minded organisation, business or individual who would like to support us in the work we do, we'd be very grateful for your contribution. We're a registered charity with donee status so any donation you make to us of over $5 will be eligible for a deduction on your income tax – even if you make that donation anonymously.

Thank you from all of the team at Community Law Canterbury – we're grateful for your support!

More about us

Community Law Canterbury is a not-for-profit that works to reduce and remove barriers to justice for vulnerable people. Our lawyers provide advice, assistance and representation to vulnerable people in the community.

Community Law Canterbury provides the services of a team of its lawyers to the Residential Advisory Service. They have assisted over 3,256 homeowners, with issues including repair strategies, scope of works, cash settlement, quality of work, apportionment of claims, delay, out of scope work, temporary accommodation, retaining walls, the limitation periods, and so on.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Aug 2024
from Cooper Legal for assisting one of our clients - thank you
COOPER LEGAL on 12 Aug 2024
for help with Cooper Legal and a client
Aimee on 03 Aug 2024
Thanks for witnessing our documents on a Saturday morning!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Jan 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Nov 2023
I got some brief and helpful advice a few months ago and forgot to donate like I said I would

Who's involved?

Community Law Canterbury's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Community Law Canterbury (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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