Conductive Education Wellington

Conductive Education Wellington

Conductive Education is an intensive, comprehensive and structured learning programme for babies and young children with mild to extreme de


Conductive Education is an intensive, comprehensive and structured learning programme for babies and young children with mild to extreme developmental delays. Providing:

•Free Conductive Education Assessments

•Individual Conductive Education Plans

•Coordinated services to meet a childs total needs

•Support and education for families/whanau and early childhood centre’s

•A friendly welcoming environment.

What families have said:

Thank you for everything, as a therapist and even more so as a person you have touched our hearts

Thank you, our daughter has not only benefitted from your expertise but also from your dedication and friendship

We are grateful for not only providing physical therapy but also for being a great support to us

Latest update

Update for 26/08/2013  26 August 2013

Wow! thank so much for all the amazing gerenous people who are donating to Conductive. We really apprciate your support. And to Liza and Phillipa we wish you all the best. Go hard!!!

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Conductive Education Wellington CLOSED (Charity)
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