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Creative Junk

  • Newsletter June 2020

      17 June 2020

    A big thank you for the financial and moral support we are receiving. The donations received are very much appreciated (4 weeks to 14 June)

    At the centre, $4,000

    Memberships, $765

    Direct to our bank account, $720

    ‘Give-a-Little’ page, May $316

    up to 16 June $500

    Creative Junk’s team of volunteers and staff have been doing their best to mitigate the loss of income over the last few months.

    Monthly Expenses are:

    Rent and OPEX costs $4,330

    Wages 100% $4,720

    currently paying 90% (wage subsidy)

    Admin Costs including Van $830 approximately

    Big thanks CERT for the $5,000 grant towards Rent costs, approved March and recently received. Our landlord waived one month’s Rent payment of $3,550. We applied and have received the 8 week Wage Subsidy extension for our two paid staff.

    At the beginning of this month, we hosted a Lego display and proceeds donated to us, thanks Brickonymous. We are planning another Lego display over the July School holidays during our open hours. The Carboot Sale went well but due to the weather finished early. We intend to do this again.

    Workshops to make musical instruments using recycled materials, will be held over the July School Holidays, thanks to support from Creative Communities.

    Check our Facebook page and website for upcoming events. To book a workshops or birthday party, please contact Christine, for more information.

    MAKERSPACE -Community space at 25 Disraeli St.

    providing sewing machines, tools, and resources for you to create, upcycle and/or repair goods using waste materials. OPEN: Wednesday to Friday 11am to 4pm by arrangement. Cost: $5.00 per person per hour plus materials

    Workshop and Makerspace room available to hire.

    Suitable for Artists, Co-ops, Community GROUPS, meetings. For more information, please email

    Fill a bag price, $7.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members, larger bag $10.00 for members and $15.00 for non-members.


    Your membership is important to us, thank you for your continuing support.

    Hire Equipment and Props – available for Members to hire

    Art Materials: great prices, extra discounts for members

    Volunteers/Helpers Wanted

    Friends, members, supporters and waste warriors!

    We always need enthusiastic volunteers for regular or one of events to help us bring our waste reuse message to the wider Christchurch community.

    Creative Junk is a charity that has been operating in Christchurch for over 39 years, recycling materials for use by the community and schools as an affordable resource for art and craft projects, giving a second lease of life to items that would otherwise end up in the landfill.

    Creative Junk needs support to stay open, to offer this important resource to the community and continue to divert materials away from the landfill by giving them a creative second lease on life, thereby doing its bit to help save the environment. Any support, either funding or publicity to get the word out to the wider community, would be appreciated.

    Many thanks to our current Funders.

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