Disability Sport & Recreation Hawke's Bay

Disability Sport & Recreation Hawke's Bay

We need ongoing financial support to continue to deliver these opportunities to the Hawke's Bay community. Please consider supporting us.

Hawke's Bay

DSR Hawke’s Bay is a fledgling charity aiming to provide sport and recreation opportunities to disabled tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) in Hawke's Bay.

Our group is made up of parents of disabled young people and disabled young adults who share a passion for promoting sport and recreational opportunities for those with disabilities to encourage participation, engagement and experiences.

Our purpose is to:

• Encourage and support participation in sport and recreation for disabled people

• Promote the interests and the welfare of disabled people wanting to participate in active recreation and sport in Hawke’s Bay

• Support disabled athletes and teams in the Hawke’s Bay

• Provide programs and services to Members including Para sports programs, adaptive equipment, as well as play and active recreation programs.

Benefits include:

• Ability to participate in planned regular sports and recreational activities in Hawkes Bay

• Funding support to attend the Halberg Games

• Connection with other disabled people and their families in Hawke’s Bay

• Friendship and support in an environment of sport and other active recreational activities

• Exposure to new activities

More about us

Disability Sport & Recreation Hawke’s Bay enables people to participate, connect and most importantly, have fun, through sport and active recreational activities. Our mission is to provide and promote positive outcomes for people with disabilities.

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Latest donations

The Hambleton-Cowells
Good luck! We know you will be amazing. Love Sarah, Ed and the kids x
Ahuriri Advocate
Ahuriri Advocate on 01 Jan 2025
Hello, Can you please add Ahuriri Advocate to your website and fb page for 12 months but receipt must be made to Gary Hunt. Thank You.
Rebecca Johnson

Thank you so much for sponsoring me and supporting these amazing charities ❤️ Bex

Rebecca Johnson

Who's involved?

Disability Sport & Recreation Hawke's Bay's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Disability Sport & Recreation Hawke's Bay (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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