We provide anyone of any disability a fun, safe, surfing and beach experience. Our aim is to put "smiles on dials".
Establised in 2009, The Disabled Surfers Association of New Zealand (DSANZ) is a registered “not for profit” incorporated society providing anyone of any disability a fun, safe, surfing and beach experience.
Our aim is to put "smiles on dials".
As a fully volunteer organisation, all donations go toward providing a safe and happy experience for our participants and volunteers by ensuring the best possible equipment, the upkeep of our trailer and provisions for two events per season at Piha Beach, Auckland. Our volunteers supervised by Team Leaders and Beach Marshalls love what they do and will show up rain or shine to ensure our surfers have a great day. Without any funding except for the occasional grant, donations allow us to continue providing this invaluable experience.
Our mission is to put "smiles on dials" of our surfers by providing them with a quintessential New Zealand experience - a day at the beach
Thanks so much for your donation :-)
Thanks so much for your donation :-)
Thank you for your generous donation :-)
Thanks so much, great to see Issac having lots of fun :-)
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