Sustainable HB

Sustainable HB

Support the Environment Centre Hawke's Bay as we develop sustainable communities that are resilient to the challenges ahead.

Hawke's Bay

The Sustaining Hawke's Bay Trust, also known as the Environment Centre Hawke's Bay aims to support the Hawke’s Bay Community to achieve their environmental passions. For one person that may be growing nourishing kai for their whānau, for another it’s organising beach clean ups to protect nesting dotterels and for another it’s organising waste minimisation projects in their workplace. It is our belief that by supporting our 180,000 strong community to achieve their dreams that this will create a sustainable future for many generations to come.

The Trust also supports our community through direct delivery of key programs, with the following key outcomes achieved over the past 12 months:

• Supported 64 Hawke’s Bay communities during the cyclone through the collection and distribution of tens of thousands of donated items and managing a donation fund that received over $140,000. This was achieved through the incredible mahi of our 280 volunteers and thousands of donors.

• Facilitated the delivery of 22,000 hot meals throughout the region during the cyclone recovery.

• Manage a specialty recycling hub, with recycling options for soft plastic, batteries, razors, oral care, bottle lids and other hard to recycle items.

• Deliver local events including Beach Clean Ups, Compost Workshops, Clothing Swap Parties and Bug Hotel Workshops for tamariki.

• Deliver interactive waste minimisation workshops for schools and workplaces.

• Organise waste audits for businesses throughout Hawke's Bay.

More about us

The Environment Centre (Sustaining Hawke’s Bay Trust) is a registered charity that has been supporting Hawke's Bay communities to become more sustainable and resilient for 30 years. We believe that by supporting our communities to create local solutions to local problems, that we'll see a future in which we all flourish. If you'd like to know more about our events, services or programs, pop in to our centre or visit our website / Facebook page.

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sustainable HB (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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