Feelings for Life Charitable Trust

Feelings for Life Charitable Trust

Helping kiwi kids develop positive mental health, for life.


50% of mental health conditions start before the age of 12

1 in 4 young people will experience a mental health issue before the age of 18

Research shows that the “development of emotional self-regulation in childhood is a core determinant of adolescent mental health.”

Simply put - when tamariki learn how to manage their big feelings, it has a huge impact and life long positive benefits to their mental health.

FFL is passionate about helping tamariki all around Aotearoa understand and learn to manage their big feelings, from a young age. We do this by offering Teacher training, parents webinars, school presentations and free online resources for schools, whanau, and everyone who is working with children.

Join us in making a positive difference to the mental health of our tamariki and rangitahi, by providing these essential life skills and resources to more communities across Aotearoa

Becoming a member of the Feelings for Life charitable community means making a huge difference to the way children feel about themselves and their lives for good.

More about us

FFL mission is to help young people and children understand, improve, maintain and grow their mental health and wellbeing; through awareness and education.

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Latest donations

Antony on 03 Apr 2024
Graeme on 10 Mar 2024
Marion & Kelvin s
Marion & Kelvin s on 02 Mar 2024
Really appreciate the difference you are making in the lives of so many blessings and safe travels Marion & Kelvin
Mackintosh & Sons Ltd, Putorino, H.B.
Mackintosh & Sons Ltd, Putorino, H.B. on 13 Feb 2024
In appreciation of volunteer help following Cyclone Gabrielle. Arohanui everyone.
Waitomo Caves School
Waitomo Caves School on 18 Aug 2023
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with our students, and providing a fun morning with the Tractor Trek breakfast and activities!

Who's involved?

Feelings for Life Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Feelings for Life Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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