Focus Paihia Charitable Community Trust

Focus Paihia Charitable Community Trust

Focus Paihia is a community Trust that invests in making Paihia become an exceptional place to live, work and visit.


The aim of FPCT, on behalf of the community, is to see Paihia become an exceptional place to live, work and visit. We want to see Paihia ‘blossom’ and thrive, while retaining its friendly, village like atmosphere.

To make ‘Paihia shine’, through: clear leadership and direction by inspiring and uniting our community and celebrating our successes; supporting and facilitating our community’s ideas for future public developments;

commenting and providing submissions on future developments; having strong relationships and open communication practices; encouraging local sustainable employment opportunities; promoting and maintaining a rich, versatile and sustainable volunteer base; and a sustainable charitable entity while remaining impartial and focused on the bigger picture.

The majority of our funds come from our volunteer run community Op Shop plus managing community facilities for the local council. All of our funds are spent in and around Paihia and can be visibly seen. This year Paihia was privileged to win both the New Zealand Community of the Year and Focus Paihia won the Supreme Trustpower Award. Both of which could not be achieved without all of our communities support.

All of the funds donated will be used in and around Paihia.

More about us

Focus Paihia works on behalf of the community to see Paihia become an exceptional place to live, work and visit. We want to see Paihia ‘blossom’ and thrive, while retaining its friendly, village like atmosphere.

To make ‘Paihia shine’, through: clear leadership and direction by inspiring and uniting our community and celebrating our successes; supporting and facilitating our community’s ideas for future public developments;

commenting and providing submissions on future developments; having strong relationships and open communication practices; encouraging local sustainable employment opportunities; promoting and maintaining a rich, versatile and sustainable volunteer base; and a sustainable charitable entity while remaining impartial and focused on the bigger picture.

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Who's involved?

Focus Paihia Charitable Community Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Focus Paihia Charitable Community Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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