Good Lives Wairarapa Charitable Trust

Good Lives Wairarapa Charitable Trust

Good Lives Wairarapa aims to improve services and long-term life outcomes for disabled people in our region.

In 2021, a group of parents came together to discuss the lack of services and opportunities for their disabled children in Wairarapa. Some of us looked over the hill to Manawatu where a new national initiative, Enabling Good Lives, had been introduced.

This new initiative seemed like a solution. It was a person-centred, mana-enhancing system of disability support that valued self-determination and recognised the importance of maximising participation in mainstream activities and building relationships within the wider community. It recognised that disabled people should have the same life outcomes as ordinary, non-disabled people.

We asked how do we bring this initiative to Wairarapa? We were told that government supports for a national rollout were just around the corner, no wait, will be delayed a bit due to lack of funding, oh darn, actually not coming your way any time soon. But you are welcome to run with it yourselves.

So that’s what we are doing.

More about us

We are a family network that provides peer support and advocacy for disabled people and their families. We aim to build capability within within the disability community, both in negotiating the funding landscape and developing a person-centred vision.

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Latest donations

Chris on 20 Jul 2024
Chris on 20 Jun 2024
Chris on 23 May 2024
Chris on 16 May 2024

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Good Lives Wairarapa Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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