Gratitude New Zealand Charitable Trust Board

Gratitude New Zealand Charitable Trust Board

Gratitude NZ empowering the next generation. It is essential for children to have basic needs covered. Please donate what you can!


Teena Koutou,

Gratitude is a not for profit to stamp out child poverty in New Zealand.

Ko Johana Te Momo toku ingoa / My name is Johana and with a group of community leaders, we started the Christmas Present Drop Project in 2017, raising over $36k to delivering Christmas presents to decile 1 schools in Otara, where over 6000 tamariki/children received a present by Santa (David Tua) and other community leaders. The spirit of this project was to bring joy to as many tamariki in Otara to share in the spirit of Christmas. Since this project I have seen a greater need to support schools and child facilities more on a daily basis. My friend Arunima; owner of Aims Global and I joined forces and have created Gratitude NZ Charitable Trust Board, where we will impact more children who's families are struggling to make ends meet. This was in response to many articles about children going without at schools, families struggling to pay school fees, stationary and schools trips. How we will impact this is run as many campaigns as possible to fundraise for child facilities and schools to fill the need for children to thrive and empower the next generation. Please see updates on campaigns.

More about us

At Gratitude NZ we're supporting growing young minds holistically and breaking the cycle of poverty. We support child facilities who's first priority is serving children; providing education, care and a wrap around service for the community.

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Thank you for your support  6 August 2019

Gratitude NZ's first Te Papapa Preschool project was amazing.. We not only handed over $3000 raised and 8 - 10 donated clothes and shoes, but while there a beautiful lil girl came up to me and happened to get her only jacket of the day wet, she was in jandals and freezing. I asked her if we should go find her a jacket? She said yes and just like that she was warm for the day. Such a great feeling to be able to make a small but important difference to our next generation.

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Gratitude New Zealand Charitable Trust Board (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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