Hadassah New Zealand

Hadassah New Zealand

At Hadassah New Zealand, it is our privilege to support the Hadassah Medical Organisation, globally renowned for its humanitarian policy of


At Hadassah New Zealand, it is our privilege to support the Hadassah Medical Organisation, globally renowned for its humanitarian policy of treating all patients, both within the Middle East and around the world, with high-quality compassionate care, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Transcending politics, religion and geographical boundaries to enhance world health and wellbeing.

When you donate to Hadassah you save lives and keep crucial medical research moving forward. You join a human bridge that, each day, is creating connections among nations through the universal language of medicine. As you support health professionals and patients of diverse ethnic backgrounds and religions, you transcend politics and religion and build bridges to peace.

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Hadassah New Zealand (Charity)
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