The Huntington’s Disease Youth Organisation of New Zealand (HDYO NZ) aims to support educate, and advocate for young people affected by HD
We are the Huntington’s Disease Youth Organisation of New Zealand (HDYO NZ), a newly formed organisation with the goal of supporting, educating, and advocating for young people affected by Huntington’s Disease.
Our vision is for the youth of New Zealand impacted by HD to be knowledgeable, supported and empowered through a strong community, support network and accessible information.
The purposes of HDYO NZ are:
(a) To provide a community and support network for NZ youth impacted by HD through accessible information, web based communities, and development of HDYO NZ.
(b) To identify and promote other beneficial support services
(a) To increase knowledge and awareness of HD
(b) To provide age specific (children, teens, and young adults) user friendly resources and information in a high quality professional manner
(a) Listen to and advocate for the needs and goals of youth
(b) Increase public awareness and understanding of the disease and promote Huntington’s disease research
COLLABORATE with other organisations, associations or societies whose purpose is similar to those of HDYO NZ.
SEEK FUNDING for the sustainability of the organisation.
Our Team of 6 are embarking on a 1,000km mountain bike ride across the North Island to raise awareness of Huntingtons Disease.
Thank you :) 21 December 2021
Dear all,
On behalf of the Huntington's Disease Youth Organisation of New Zealand (HDYO-NZ) we just want to thank all the donors for supporting our mission to support, educate and advocate for youth impacted by HD. As a not-for-profit we rely on your generous donations to keep us going! Stay tuned to our facebook page for updates! With covid lockdowns and restrictions we haven't managed alot of face-to-face activities but we have kept our online and media engagement strong to keep HD in the spot light! Here are a few pieces which came out in 2021 where we were involved:
Bring on 2022 - we will have some hands-on and face-to-face initiatives coming up!
The HDYO-NZ board