Help us keep the hope-filled message and history of Jesus and his influence within the public's view at Easter, this year and beyond!
The reasons Easter and Christmas were established as public holidays are being largely overlooked in public media. It remains that many of our nation’s primary values came specifically from the Christian faith, including freedoms of speech & religion, concepts of charity & the value of all human life, the end of slavery, equality of races and genders, democratic forms of Government, education & healthcare for all - and more. A tree needs it roots.
Many people are struggling to find hope, while this faith offers a uniquely hope-filled view of life. Spirituality is often being downplayed while we believe it has great value.
Hope Project started in 2014 and exists to share messages of hope, mostly from a Christian viewpoint. It also exists to maintain an awareness & knowledge of our history as a nation connected with our national values, biculturalism and cultural festivals.
The public website is
The tone of the media is deliberately respectful & hope-filled. Public engagement has been overwhelmingly positive and considerable in scale. Some find hope, other are encouraged in faith while others love hearing the history.
Multiple outcomes are achieved, including within church communities.
See for annual finances.
We need help to see these messages and stories of hope being shared widely and positively. We believe this important. Thank you.
Shining Lights Trust exists to help the wider Church in its work through bringing fresh innovation, strategy and resource to the table. 'Hope Project', '10 Day Challenge' and ‘All Together’ are some of the areas of our work.
Hi Rina Thankyou for your donation.Could you please email & provide an address to send the booklets to.Could you also advise which particular booklets you are after as we have nine different booklets.
Thankyou so much for your donation. We would love to help. We have previously sent you an email requesting further details regarding an address to send the booklets to & also which booklets you are wanting.
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