Te Rereatukahia Kohanga Reo

Te Rereatukahia Kohanga Reo

Te Kohanga Reo is a total immersion whanau programme for mokopuna from birth to 6 years of age to be raised within its whanau Maori, where

Bay of Plenty

Kohanga Reo is managed by the whanau and decisions are all made by the whanau within the guildlines set down by the trust

We have been operating for 20years

Latest update

Update for 14/05/2013  14 May 2013

100% of all donations will go directly towards the upgrade of our park. We have been working alongside Robin from www.childspace.co.nz who come to our Kohanga to take a look around and he is currently in the process of putting together a plan of action for us. His usual fee is $1800 just for the initial consultation, but he was in Katikati on holiday and offered to come and do it for free which we were very grateful for. So please Whanau and Friends, donate to a really worthy cause and help us get a new park =)

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