To make a donation to our Fun Run, please visit our Landing Page:
Our school is situated in the centre of Upper Hutt City and caters for the middle school years (11-13 years). We pride ourselves on providing a safe, stimulating and challenging learning environment. We offer all students a wide variety of academic, cultural and sporting opportunities that set them on a path to be productive, life-long learners. Our six core values of Respect, Responsibility, Manaakitanga, Integrity, Teamwork, and Courage form the heart of Maidstone. Maidstone students and staff alike understand and practice these values. This leads to a secure, caring and supportive environment for our learners.
Beyond our wildest dreams. 6 August 2020
Over $16,500 and still climbing. Thanks to you, we have surpassed our goal. This will directly benefit our MIS students. They are all the winners.
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