The most important legal challenge to Local Government in a generation. This affects every ratepayer and resident in New Zealand.
The Ratepayers of Kaipara have succeeded in getting a High Court declaration that the Northland Regional Council's rates have been invalid for years. NRC are now using ratepayer money to get that overturned in the Court of Appeal. Unless we fight to defend this decision in the Court of Appeal, once again the rights of councils will trump the rights of those who fund them and for whom they exist. Our community has stumped up over $500,000 so far. We are starting to buckle under the strain. This fight affects you, if you live in this country. Please help out if you can..
The MRRA exists to protect the interests of ratepayers. It has become embroiled in a project to protect the interests of every ratepayer in New Zealand against unconstitutional tyrannical behaviour of the New Zealand Government and its officials. We have mounted a legal challenge to the outrages and our small community has chipped in over $400,000 to date. We need help to see the legal challenges through.